Wednesday, May 26, 2010


In the spirit of counting down to CSA time, I wanted to mention roasting as a good option for many of the vegetables that usually come in a CSA. Roasting will often give a sweetness to veggies and gives them a wonderful texture. Here is a favorite combination at our house….carrots, zucchini, and onions (red onions are the best).
A rule of thumb I use is 400degreesF and check after 20 minutes. Most need about 40 minutes. Once the vegetable sstart rolling in, I’ll be roasting them, so I’ll share a variety of recipes.

Last year I dreaded getting beets, YUCK (I thought) on so many levels. Not a taste I enjoyed and what a messy vegetable to prepare. And then I roasted them…yum! We can’t wait for beets again soon.

Here is a list of vegetables I get from my CSA that are really good roasted.

Beets, Broccoli, Carrots, Eggplant, Garlic, Onions, Peppers, Potatoes, Summer Squash, Turnips, Winter Squash, and Zucchini.

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