I love to cook. I love my CSA (community supported agriculture).
As The Purple Cook I’ll share with you how our family uses the food we got from our CSA and other local sources. The blog will share recipes, storage tips, and stories of what happens to that food from pick up to kitchen clean up.
A CSA can be fun, adventurous, and surprising.
Follow me on twitter at @PurpleCookBlog
We got... Arugula, Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Carmen Peppers, Corn,
Eggplant, Golden Rave Tomatoes, Red Onions, Salad Mix, Tomatoes, Basil, Parsley Fruit: Peaches My ideas... Arugula, Bell Peppers – This Linguine with Chickpeas andArugula looks like it will make a great weeknight meal. Broccoli – I am thinking of using the Broccoli to make this SesameBroccolini. Carmen Peppers, Golden Rave Tomatoes, Red Onion, Basil – The
peppers are piling up so I went searching for a roasted peppers recipe.I am looking forward to trying RoastedPeppers Stuffed with Cherry Tomatoes, Onion, and Basil. Eggplant – Eggplant Parmesan sounds really good!It freezes well too. Tomatoes, Peppers, Onion, Basil and Parsley – My husband saw
all the tomatoes we got and said, “Gazpacho please!”You got it!
Dinner was a success last night.I found a great method for quick and easy
potato chips – kids will love them.I also enjoyed trying out a new cookbook I got
as a gift. Sunday Menu – Grilled Salmon, Coriander Glazed Carrots,
Crispy Potato Chips Farm Share Food – Carrots, Potatoes Coriander Glazed Carrots from Glazed Carrots with Coriander in “Williams-Sonoma New
Flavors for Vegetables” Printable Version 4-6 carrots, depending on size, cut on a diagonal ¼ inch
thick 1 t whole coriander seeds 3 T unsalted butter, 3 T lemon juice 3 T honey 2/3 cup water salt and pepper, to taste In a skillet over medium to medium high heat, toast
coriander seeds for one minute.Cook
until fragrant and color becomes darker.They will also begin to hop in the skillet.Remove seeds from skillet and crush with a
mortar and pestle or grind to a fine powder.Set aside. In the skillet melt the butter and then add coriander.About 1 minute, until fragrant.Add lemon juice, honey, water and cook for 1
minute.Add carrot, salt and
pepper.Stirring occasionally cook for
12-15 minutes until carrots are tender and a glaze has formed. NOTE:I usually read a
recipe like this and would just use ground coriander.For this I did actually toast coriander seeds
and crush them in my mortar and pestle.It was so fragrant! Crispy Potato Chips from Cooking Light September 2012 1 ½ cups thinly sliced potatoes 1 T olive oil Salt, to taste Toss potatoes with olive oil and salt. Put parchment on a microwave safe place.Lay slices on the parchment.Microwave on high for 4 minutes.Work in batches.
This recipe was included in our CSA newsletter and is from a
favorite radio show, The Splendid Table. The sauce was easy to make and has already been served to
the children.They said it was the best
pasta night ever!I plan to use it on Pizza
and possibly in Eggplant Parmesan.It is
a great recipe to have around with all the tomatoes rolling in. Classic Italian Tomato Sauce
I wish my kids would always eat as well as they do when we
go out to Hibachi.They gobble up
everything those entertaining, knife wielding, and onion volcano making chefs
put in front of them.In my dream
kitchen I’ll get a flat top grill and make up comedy routines to do each night
while I make dinner for them.Until then
I found this Hibachi Fried Rice recipe that is yummy and gets those kids to
gobble up CSA veggies. Hibachi Fried Rice I always use jasmine or basmati rice. My general rice cooking formula is 2 2/3 cup water, 1 1/3
cup rice, 1 T butter, and salt.I bring
the ingredients to a boil, and then let simmer 10 minutes.It then needs to be put aside to set up. I puree the onion with my immersion blender.You can puree any other vegetables at this
step, carrots, summer squash, zucchini, and peppers would work well.This is why I like this recipe, it’s
vegetable hiding ability.
On a recent visit to family I took some of our CSA peaches. Not realizing they were from the CSA my family
raved and raved about the peaches.I
offered to make them a pie for an upcoming visit at our place.I had peaches from the week we were visiting
family that my friend saved for us and this week’s peaches too.Just enough to get a pie put together.
Alton Brown has a method for blueberry pie that you freeze
the core of the pie and bake it later from frozen.I wanted to use this methodology (they won’t
be here till after Labor Day), but needed a recipe for peach pie.I found a yummy and helpful step by step
method at Smitten Kitchen.
3 1/2 pounds peaches
1 T fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1/4 t ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons minute tapioca Bring a large saucepan of water to boil. Prepare an ice bath. Make
a small x at the bottom of each peach. Once water is boiling, lower peaches,
doing this in batches if necessary, into saucepan and poach for two minutes.
Using a slotted spoon, transfer to ice bath for one minute to cool. Transfer
peaches to cutting board and peel the skins.
peaches into pieces about 1/3-inch thick. Add to a large bowl and toss with
lemon juice. In a small dish, stir together sugars, cinnamon, salt and tapioca
until evenly mixed. Add to peaches and toss to evenly coat.
a pie plate with aluminum foil and transfer pie filling to the pie plate.Place in freezer for 6-8 hours to freeze
completely.Then remove from freezer,
remove foil, and wrap in plastic wrap.Place
in a freezer bag for storage in freezer.
you are ready to bake, use your favorite pie crust and bake at 325 degrees for
1.5 hours, placing the frozen core directly into the pie crust.Let cool for 1.5 hours.Alton has good directions for this step in
his recipe.I’ll post more later when I
do this step. NOTE:
check out the Smitten Kitchen link for the reasons why granulated and brown sugar
are used.There is also a great joke
about if poaching the peaches to peel them doesn’t work.It worked great for me, so I think it is
worth the time.I haven’t decided what
crust to use yet.I’ll post again on the
final results of this pie.
We got four Jalapenos in our share this week and then there
were three in the share box.I scooped
those right up.Now I have a beautiful
jar of pickled Jalapenos in the fridge.
Quick Pickled Jalapenos Farm Share Food – Jalapenos, Garlic Printable Version 7-10 Jalapeno Peppers, thinly sliced seeds and membranes intact 3 T sugar ¾ cup white distilled vinegar ¾ cup water 1 T kosher salt ½ t dried oregano 1 clove garlic, smashed and very roughly chopped (those
cloves from the share are HUGE!) Rinse Jalapeno slices and set aside.Bring sugar, vinegar, water, salt, and
oregano to a rolling boil.Turn off heat
and add Jalapeno slices.Let sit 10
minutes.Peppers will have lost their
bright color.Transfer to a jar, cool
completely.Store in fridge. NOTE: I followed the recipe from Food Wishes exactly, but
felt the need to write it out because I found it annoying to have to keep
watching the video if I missed a step or detail.
Thursday Menu – Thai Steak and Broccoli Stir Fry, Rice Farm Share Food – Broccoli, Garlic, Basil This recipe originally called for Green Beans, which I was
hoping to get this week, but we did not get.I was excited to try the recipe so I substituted the Broccoli we got for
the Green Beans.This was a tasty and
quick meal to prepare. Thai Steak and Broccoli Stir Fry based on Thai Steak Stir Fry Printable Version
1 teaspoon vegetable oil 1/2 pound skirt steak, cut against the grain into thin
strips 1 head of broccoli, cut into small florets and thinly
sliced stalk 4 tablespoons minced peeled fresh ginger 4 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons fish sauce 1 cup fresh basil leaves, torn if large 2 cups cooked rice, for serving In a wok or large skillet, heat oil over medium high.Add steak and cook until browned, 4 minutes.Transfer steak to a plate and reserve.Add broccoli stalk slices, ginger, and
garlic.Cook until stalks begin to
become tender.Add florets and cook an
additional 2-3 minutes.Return beef to
the pan along with fish sauce and basil.Cook 1 minute.Serve with rice. NOTE: Soy Sauce can be substituted for Fish Sauce.No basil in the share this week, but I had plenty
frozen in the freezer and it worked great for a recipe like this.
We got... Broccoli, Carmen Peppers, Carrots, Cherry Tomatoes, Corn, Eggplant,
Garlic, Green Peppers, Jalapenos, Onions, Salad Mix, Tomatoes, Parsley Fruit: Peaches My plans... Broccoli – This Pasta with Roasted Broccoli and AlmondTomato Sauce sounds delicious! Cherry Tomatoes and Sweet Peppers – While my children would
appreciate if I just cut up the peppers and let them chomp on them; I am hoping
to try this Chicken Andouille and Shrimp Jambalaya. Carrots – I just like having that huge bag of lovely carrots
around, but these Perfectly Cooked Carrots would make a nice side dish. Eggplant – My mouth was watering as I read this recipe for
Lamb Patties Braised with Eggplant, Peppers, and Tomatoes. Jalapenos – We got four in our share, and then there were
three in the share box that I snatched up.I am going to quick pickle the Jalapenos and then make this CheesyJalapeno Pull Bread.
My Aunt used to tell me that when the same subject keeps
coming up in different aspects of your life, then you know you are in line with
the universe.I’m not sure I’m in line
with the universe, but this Silk Free Corn method keeps coming up this
summer.First on a podcast we listened
to on the way to the beach, then when my husband went to a friend’s house for
dinner they discussed the method, and then there was a blurb in the Cincinnati
Enquirer that my mother in law saved for me.I had to try it!
Polly Campbell of the Cincinnati Enquirer describes the
method best...
“Microwave corn, unhusked, untrimmed for four minutes an
ear.Then, use a big knife to cut the
stem off through the cob.Then you hold
the ear vertically, so the cob drops out of the husk.No silk.”
It was super fun to pull the whole husk off in one motion! But I have to say this method is not for us.Four minutes per ear was way too much.I was afraid the first ear I tried was going
to turn into popcorn.From then I tried 3
minutes and the whole husk still came off.Not every bit of silk came off and so I still steamed the ears in an
inch or two of water because that is how I always get those last silks off.I also thought it was time consuming, three
minutes per ear of corn took close to 20 minutes to husk the corn.I can sit outside and get 6 ears of corn
husked in less than 5 minutes, or even better – get my kids to do it.
I came home from CSA pick up and wanted to taste and touch
everything.I was excited to throw
together a simple salsa to go with our Quesadillas from many of the items I
just picked up. Tuesday Menu – Quesadillas Farm Share Food – Hot Peppers, Onions, Zucchini (these went
in the Quesadillas), Tomatoes, Onions, Basil Fresh CSA Salsa 2 medium Tomatoes, diced ½ Red Onion, diced ½ - 1 Jalapeno, diced (optional) 1 T Cilantro, minced 2-3 T extra virgin olive oil 1 T lime juice Gently mix together all the ingredients. This gets better over time in the refrigerator, but we had
not leftovers last night. NOTE: we didn’t have any Cilantro; we did get Basil this
week.I tried the Basil in the salsa for
a little color and to have a fresh herb.It worked nicely.
Yesterday was one of those days I came home from CSA pick up
and wanted to try a little bit of everything and wanted to put everything into
dinner that night.Good stuff this week. We got... Black Cherry Tomatoes, Cantaloupe, Carrots, Corn, Cucumber, Garlic,
Green Beans, Hot Peppers, Onions, Potatoes, Sweet Peppers, Tomatoes, Basil Fruit: Peaches My plans... Black Cherry Tomatoes – I’m going to make this Fresh TomatoSauce to go on spaghetti. Cantaloupe, Cucumber, Jalapeno – I’ve been waiting for melon
to make this Spicy Cantaloupe-Cucumber Salad. Carrots and Green Beans – These are going into the
freezer.Check out this link for tips on
how to freeze lots of veggies. Hot Pepper and Onions – Quesadillas are a great meal for
using small amounts of CSA veggies. Potatoes – These Potato, Chorizo, and Green Chile Burritos
sound yummy. Tomatoes – Fresh CSA Salsa to go with the Quesadillas.
I love eggplant!My
good friend’s husband is from Kashmir and her mother in law taught her how to
make this eggplant.For me this dish is
comfort food, it’s warming and just melts in your mouth.It is perfectly served with Naan to dip. Meatless Monday Menu – Kashmiri Eggplant, Rice Noodles (alas,
we had no Naan) Farm Share Food – Eggplant, Onion, Garlic, Beet Greens Kashmiri Eggplant 2 T olive oil, divided 1 medium Eggplant or 3-4 Asian Eggplants, roughly chopped ½ t Cumin seeds 1 Onion, sliced 2 cloves Garlic, minced 2 t ground Coriander 1 t Garam Masala or Curry Powder 1/8 t Cayenne ½ t Turmeric 1 T Curry Paste Salt, to taste 4 Tomatoes Heat 1 T of olive oil to a skillet.Add chopped Eggplant.Cook covered over medium heat until Eggplant
is soft, about 15-20 minutes. In a Dutch Oven heat remaining 1 T of olive oil. Add Cumin Seeds, cook 1 minute.Add Onions and cook until light brown.Add Garlic, cook 1 minute.Add spices – Coriander, Curry, Cayenne, Turmeric,
Curry Paste and Salt.Cook 3 minutes,
stirring constantly.Add tomatoes, and
cook until tomatoes lose their shape and form a nice sauce.Add Eggplant, stir to combine, and cook over
medium heat, covered for 30 minutes. NOTE: I had Beet Greens in the fridge.I added them to the dish with the softened
Eggplant.They were a nice addition.
I am always looking for ways to use my beets.They are not a vegetable I enjoy.BUT, I do enjoy spicy food.This recipe for Firecracker Beet Slaw in our
CSA newsletter caught my attention. Sunday Menu – BBQ Chicken, Corn on the Cob, Firecracker Beet
Slaw Farm Share Food – Corn, Beets, Garlic Firecracker Beet Slaw 3 cups raw Beets, shredded 1 cup Granny Smith Apple, shredded 4 Scallions, thinly sliced 1/3 cup Apple Cider Vinegar 3 T Extra Virgin Olive OIl 3 T Dijon Mustard 1 T Agave Nectar 2 cloves Garlic, roughly chopped 2 t canned Chipotles and sauce Salt, to taste Toss together Beets, Apple, and Scallions. With an immersion blender or in a food processor, blend
vinegar, oil, mustard, nectar, garlic, chipotles, and salt.Add to Beet mixture and toss to coat. The notes on this recipe say this slaw gets better over time
and can last up to 5 days in the refrigerator. NOTE:Chipotles in
Adobo Sauce come in a small can.You
never need the whole can.I always take
the remainder, put it in a baggy and freeze it flat.Then I just break off what I need the next
time a recipe calls for this ingredient.